Saturday, October 30, 2010

For goblu - Reason: My wife and I need some help here!

goblu's question:  "My bank has approved me for a 2nd home condo in the Phoenix area.  However, they say they are now concerned with the owner occupied/investor owned ratio in the area and say that the Fannie Mae will not approve.  What's the deal here?"

     Your situation, goblu, is quite common in communities where the board/overseeing group allows the number of rented units to overwhelm the number of owner-occupied units such that a percentage which is unacceptable to federal backers of mortgage loans and refinances is created.

      This number changes over time, usually hovering around approximately 30% to 49% of the total number of units which can be rented.

      Your option, if you want to purchase this unit in an overly rental-populated community, is to purchase it with cash. And unless the situation is corrected by the board/overseeing group over time, your only option when you sell may be that you can only sell to a 100% cash buyer.

      A better choice may be to find a community with a rental cap which has not been exceeded, where you can purchase a unit and qualify for the loan you want without worrying about any of the mess described above.  It's really up to you.

     Hope this helps

     Best of luck, my friend.

1 comment:

  1. YESSS thank you so much. This confirms what our financial advisor said. again, many thnx!!
